A. C. 贝米吉州立大学克拉克图书馆


  • 此策略处理与A. C. 克拉克图书馆作为联邦和明尼苏达州文件存放处的地位. Electronic resources encompasses information resources delivered through electronic services and those which are shipped to the library as electronic media.
  • Electronic services includes those services which are delivered over the World Wide Web and through other Internet avenues (FTP, 远程登录, 等.). 而许多电子资源是来自网站,提供开放, 不受控制的访问, others manage their access through technologies such as defined IP ranges and user validation (typically username/password).
  • 的一个. C. 克拉克图书馆(以下简称图书馆)作为电子媒体接收了大量的电子资源. 典型的媒体类型是CD ROM和软盘, 新的媒体类型也可能出现, 比如DVD.


  • The 图书馆 s circulation policies for items in its government publications collection are defined in the various relevant item classes which are part of the MnSCU/PALS database. 在一般情况下, most items may circulate for a period of three weeks to anyone in good standing who holds a card which entitles him or her to check out library materials from the A. C. 克拉克图书馆. 然而,有些物品仅供图书馆内使用,不流通. Appropriate equipment will be made available in-house for the use of any electronic resource which does not circulate.
  • 许多信息资源是由美国图书馆的单位通过互联网提供的. S. 政府和明尼苏达州. 任何遵守图书馆使用者行为守则及图书馆的查阅及使用政策的人士. C. 克拉克图书馆 Computers may use these resources and any of the on-site electronic resources mentioned above. There is no charge for access to any of these resources nor is there any charge to download any of this information to disk. 希望下载信息的用户将需要提供他们自己的磁盘,例如一个3.5″高密盘或ZIP盘. 虽然有可能从这些不同的资源中制作印刷品, a user will be charged the same fee as established for any other similar quality prints which can be made in the 图书馆.
  • Because electronic media provided through the Federal Depository 图书馆 Program and the State of Minnesota are produced in a variety of formats, 需要各种硬件配置和操作系统, 使用范围不明的辅助软件, have uneven qualities of operation and varying levels of complexity of use and may be more appropriate for circulating rather than in-building use, 并非所有与此存储库相关的电子资源都可以在图书馆内使用. 在这种情况下,一个项目不能在图书馆使用, 它会像政府刊物集内的流通纸品一样流通.
  • The 图书馆 will maintain no record of who uses its resources except to keep track of who currently has an item checked out or who currently owes any damage or fees associated with an item. 这些信息将被视为机密,不会被图书馆工作人员泄露.


  • So long as a specific Internet-based resource is determined by the Government Publications Librarian to meet the general content and usage needs of the Depository s patrons, he or she will generally favor the selection of this form of the electronic resource over that of other electronic media with the same title or scope.
  • Additional factors which he or she will consider when making this decision are management complexities associated with accessing a particular resource (e.g., 网站需要一定的使用保证,不容易管理), 与使用在线资源相关的成本(例如.g.(如订购费用)和性能问题(如.g.(在线资源的速度和稳定性).


  • 电子媒体项目通常由政府刊物图书管理员选择,因为:
    • 他们的内容不是免费的,也不是随时可以在网上获得的;
    • He or she feels the physical media offers certain advantages over an online version; or
    • 因为他或她关心项目的在线档案的寿命和稳定性.
  • The Government Publications Librarian also selects items of electronic media when he or she determines that an item is likely to be needed by users who have computer access but who do not have Internet access at their home or office.


  • 除非基于internet的资源有特定的访问限制, the 图书馆 will make available federal Internet-based resources on all of its public-access computers which offer general Internet access. 将酌情使用下列方法,方便用户取得这些资源:
    • 链接到这些资源从图书馆的网页
    • 链接到其他组织或个人提供的这些资源的指南
    • 将这些资源的编目记录纳入图书馆的在线目录
  • Electronic media which circulate are generally available 存放在政府刊物馆藏的电子媒体柜(开放式书架)内. In the case of an item being requested for course reserve or being especially susceptible to damage or abuse, 物品可以放在借阅处借阅.
  • 不能从图书馆移走的电子媒体可以放在几个地点之一, 取决于物品的使用模式.
    • 服务器或磁盘转换器. 这些都是大量使用的项目,可以安装在专用或联网的计算机上, 取决于他们的软件需求和限制.
    • 开放的栈. 这些都是存储的, 通常在光盘墨盒中, 存放在政府刊物馆藏的电子媒体柜(开放式书架)内. 它们被标记为非流通物品,以便用户可以将它们与流通物品区分开来.
    • 借还书处. An in-library-use-only item may be located in closed stacks at the 借还书处 if an instructor has requested that it be used for course reserve. On infrequent occasions in-library-use-only electronic media may also be stored at the 借还书处 if it is deemed by the Government Publications Librarian, 还有图书管理员, 如果这本书还在开放的书库中,它就有危险.


  • The Government Publications Area has several computer workstations dedicated to the use of government electronic resources, 尤其是电子媒体. Though many of the government-sponsored electronic resources are available using other computers located throughout the library, these stations are intended to guarantee access to government information resources by making these resources the highest priority use of these stations. Anyone using one of these stations for other purposes may be asked to relinquish use of the station if someone needing to access a government information resource is awaiting use of the station. 如有使用争议,应联系参考图书管理员或夜班主管. Most stations incorporate adjustable height work surfaces so that the equipment can be more easily used by people in wheelchairs or those having from certain back disabilities. Every effort is made to keep these in conformance with the Federal Depository 图书馆 Program’s Recommended Specifications for Public Access Work Stations in Federal Depository Libraries.
  • Users with visual impairments should be made aware that many of the 图书馆’s electronic resources can also be accessed at special computer workstations (Room 317) which are configured with various assistive software and devices for people with visual impairments.